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  • Palm Tree Lamp
    Raccoon Wall Clock / Tanuki Wall Clock
    Double neck guitar
    Shopping cart
    Festival lantern
    Tree stump chair
    Sunrise lamp
    Sticker tape liner
    Sprout table
    Red horned hat
    Emporer’s cap

    Mine is gmt +10 or aest, I'll try to be one when you next are! How much are we trading for again. I already ordered your stuff but forgot to ask ahah
    Acid washed pants, cyan argyle shirt, witch's hat, cow tee, cowboy pants, tiger jacket, dogtooth dress, hot-dog tank, sandwich tank, giraffe pants, sailor hat, aloha shorts, orange wetsuit, mermaid bed/shelf/sofa/vanity, & a card bed/chair/lamp/wall clock. Plus the pictures, mermaid carpet & other Gracie clothes, for 5.5 mil
    Hi I'm not sure if you saw my message on your board... Are you sure you added my fc right since it has not shown up yet despite you said you've added me? I sent the tbt now. Please let me know when your gates are open thanks!
    Umm my mother called me while I was picking my items and you ended so I didn't get the full inventory, I would like a refund or the chance to get the full inventory
    Hi! Your full body gemsona commission is ready for pickup! Please see the first post of my shop thread. If everything looks okay, please send the payment (100TBT) whenever you get a chance. Thanks again for commissioning me! :)
    Sorry about the message posting three times; I'm on mobile and it was lagging a bit. (Pressed "Post Message" 3x)
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