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  • But maybe we should trade tomorrow because it's 01:20 AM here and I need some sleep.
    Catch you tomorrow!
    I checked and everything I need are the baby pokemon (except for pichu), sirfetcht and arctozolt.
    If I have them I have my dex complete (and my living dex almost complete).
    Yeah half an hour should be fine. I'll go to sleep after that haha. I'll look for a salandit in the mean time
    Do you have the baby pokemon as a spare by accident? I see that I only miss them. The rest is just a breed or level up and then my dex is complete! :D
    mime jr
    Yeah ofcourse ill catch an extra shelmet and karrablast real quick to trade them over!
    Whats the code?
    I'm ready! Do you mind if I trade you some spare breeding pokemon for them?
    I don't have anything that's on your list right now.

    Let me know what pokemon you need traded back!
    Yeah no problem! Let me know when you are ready, i'm awake for 3-4 more hours and it that doesn't work for you we do another time :)
    Thank you!

    I'm still looking for a few more so if you ever have the time we maybe could trade those :)

    Those are
    Sawk, mawile, zacian and Fartetch for the exclusives and

    I'm ready!

    I have scorbunny - goomy -oranguru - phantump - appletun - lunatone - vaporeon - drampa - sableeye -eiscue and corsula for you, those you can keep.

    Do you mind if I trade you an spritzee, phanump and rydon for you, those will evole while trading but I need those traded back for my living dex :)
    I'm available for the next 6 hours so hit me up if you are ready :) Ill check the forums from time to time.
    Happy birthday! Take your time and let me know when you are ready. Its 10am here now and I will be available tonight after 7pm i think
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