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  • hey !! just an idea but, if u have any collectibles you wanna get rid of, you should listen them in tbt marketplace for bells! maybe that’ll help u get bells faster to change ur username!
    Heyo! I'm available now if you are :) Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you
    Sherwood's villagers are W. Link, Ganon, O'Hare, Felyne, Nibbles, Agnes, Merengue, Becky, Rory, and Boris!
    Hey, I was really busy earlier and didn't see that you had opened up your town, sorry!! I'm gonna be pretty busy for the rest of the night but we can definitely schedule something for tomorrow :blush:
    I can't wait to see the updated picture! I have multiple towns now, but I've only drawn on of my mayors. I'll have to draw the other ones sometime. :) Also sorry I double posted on your wall! My internet was acting up. haha :rolleyes:
    Oh man, I can't believe it's been at least 10 days since I've come on the forums! haha, I'm happy you appreciate my icon! :D I like yours as well! Did you draw it yourself?
    Oh man, I can't believe it's been at least 10 days since I've come on the forums! haha, I'm happy you appreciate my icon! :D I like yours as well! Did you draw it yourself?
    This really cool guy is doing a giveaway where you can go to any RV's he owns for free, even multiple times! The only thing is he doesn't time travel so if someone asks for an RV that day before you do, then you have to wait until the next day. Even so, someone else might offer like what happened when I posted on the thread (One guy let me go to his Isabelle RV for free so now I have the Isabelle 3ds and Wii U console. :)
    Check it out when it reopens!! (I'm assuming he just closes for the night and does one RV daily)

    "[Giveaway] [CLOSED - DO NOT POST] RV in my campground! (item list inside) Come Visit for Free!
    Started by kiwikenobi" In the Re-Tail forums

    I hate links so I just provided the name and location. Cya!

    (Mailbox limit on your side reached, so I posted here instead!)
    It’s great that you have PixelsV2 and one of my towns is Pixel.

    Fraternal towns unite! Happy Valentines Day!
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