cIementine Jan 1, 2017 sure! mine should be in my about me or on the sidebar of my posts (can't remember off by heart aha)
cIementine Jan 1, 2017 will do! it might be in the next hour or so, you never know. i'll try to be quick!
cIementine Jan 1, 2017 whenever i manage to get someone out of my town, which probably won't take long as there's only a few villagers i have that aren't amiibo card ones and i want all of them to move out
whenever i manage to get someone out of my town, which probably won't take long as there's only a few villagers i have that aren't amiibo card ones and i want all of them to move out
Reyrey Dec 26, 2016 May I lurk for cherry or poppy if you get them? Sorry I couldn't get chèvre ;0; I was very sleep
WinnieThePooh Oct 31, 2016 Could you please help me with BellTree? I just started and I can't figure out how to get around.