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  • Ok you are added and gate is open! I have 10 villagers so don't worry about void! ^-^
    Good morning! I am back online and will be online all day! Let me know when you are ready! ^-^
    Hey, I'm pretty sure you won't see this. It's 3:30AM where I live, and I have to void Octavian unless you see this in 5 min. You see, I'm getting Marshal, and I have to adopt him now. :(
    No worries! This is 100% my fault! I could have sworn I responded to you when I woke up this morning... :C I will tell you when I am online tomorrow! Sorry! :C
    I'm on and ready to trade whenever! Sorry I thought I had messaged you earlier... :C I will let you know when I am on tomorrow if I missed you today!
    I'm sure. You can have him, if you want. I'll cycle (well, TT to get villagers out (the ones that aren't dreamies)) for a bit in a few hours, we'll see if he pings me then. :)
    Hehe, I finally have all of them! Just got Marina yesterday. ^-^
    But I feel like Octavian has been my villager long enough. :)
    I'm thinking about letting Octavian go. If he pings me, I can tell you if you want? :)
    Everything is unoriginal except for his catchphrase.
    Hi! If you are still online I am able to trade now. If not I will catch you tomorrow! ^-^
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