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  • 1mil is perfect for me! But I don't want to sound greedy do you want anything else that's free of charge ? Then we're even
    do you by any chance have perfect pears ? I could use them right now... Or like IGB since I used them up on paying my pwp and 3 other houses
    I'm so so so sorry! Blanche had accidentally left me ;-;. But Cranston is still safe and sound. She mentioned that no-one was moving so I tt'd and she had left ;-;. I'm so sorry!
    10 black roses and 10 purple roses, right? I added your FC already. Ill drop them off at yours using my alternate character Lily. Tell me when gates are open :)
    Do you mind if I drop them off? As my towns pretty messy. >.<
    Also it's on my side town so my FC for that is 0817-4954-9769. :)
    Hey, I was thinking 1tbt each but I've just noticed you don't seem to have enough. >.<
    yeah I can definitely do that! gimme a few to get them, finishing up a trade
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