Hi! Glad you're interested in Ankha I'll add you and open my gates, and you can send the TBT after you've confirmed she's moving to your town. The town is Thistle, and my FC is on my profile!
Yes! That sounds fine. Could I please put an abd in your home so I don't have to go across the tracks so many times?
And,I am available in a few moments I am at someone's town rn getting a fence from there Nook's
I dont think so! Lol
It has been a while sense you have made your order on my forum but I finally got to it. Around a month ago I am pretty sure. You can look and see I pressed your name so I was sure you where the right Minni. Feel free to cancel your order though if you no longer need the bells! I am sorry it took so long
Hello! Please let me know when you have time for a delivery of the bells. I lend ABDs for the trades, so please let me know if you need one and how you would like the bells done. (Re-tail method or drop and grad )Thanks so much for your order!