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  • i didnt void him i dont think i was seeing if Isabelle said anything about a villager moving and i think she said he was moving and i didnt see so i kept cycling and he left :( Im really sad i was gonna raffle him :(
    I'm at the hospital visiting my dad right now...are you able to hold her? If not it's completely fine if you want to adopt her out.
    Yes! I'm just dropping off my kids to their schools right now...I will be home in about an hour and a half.
    I made a wish for Marshal in my cycle town and he ended up in my campsite 2 days after my event...Lol! Now I have 2! :D
    Opening gate now...Her house is down at the bottom of the map by the dock. So you can just run there if you want.
    Okay...I'm ready when you are. Let me know when to open my gate. And Kabuki is awesome!!!
    Okay, give me a few minutes....someone is going to get roses right now then I will box her up. I should be ready in about 5 minutes. I will post a message once I'm ready :D
    Were you ready for Fauna yet or no?! She just pinged so thought I would ask before I give her an answer...
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