LadyScion Jan 21, 2014 Kk! I had a scene shot of them on my iPhone but doesn't look so good... let me move my SD card to my iMac and then I will post it to the thread...
Kk! I had a scene shot of them on my iPhone but doesn't look so good... let me move my SD card to my iMac and then I will post it to the thread...
Kaimoeko Jan 19, 2014 If you still want cookie, id suggest posting that you do or else someone is gonna get her.
cIementine Jan 18, 2014 I know ;A; I'm sorry I gave her away, I hated having her all boxed up, it was sad :c I'm still interested in Skye if you're selling.
I know ;A; I'm sorry I gave her away, I hated having her all boxed up, it was sad :c I'm still interested in Skye if you're selling.
cIementine Jan 14, 2014 Yay! I still have Diana. You'd have to be able to take her first, is that okay? c:
cIementine Jan 13, 2014 Hello, I have accepted your offer of Skye, for Diana c: She is in boxes now, but you have 24 hours before I start retaking offers ^u^ Let me know when you're ready! Also, I am full xD
Hello, I have accepted your offer of Skye, for Diana c: She is in boxes now, but you have 24 hours before I start retaking offers ^u^ Let me know when you're ready! Also, I am full xD