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  • Oh god. xD

    Oh hmm yeah maybe, I didn't think on it too much. Season 2 was also superrrr delayed lol. They announced it like years ago. xD

    Ah yes, Netflix. Seems everyone BUT me has Netflix haha. xD Idek what I really liked... I just know whatever my sibling watched like I said... uh I think I liked iCarly lmaooo. Obviously Spongebob... I can't think lol.

    YEaH it can be terrible haha. But idk when I get in the zone, I'm just, no one bother me. I gotta finish this.
    Oh my goshhhh xD Spongebob was my life tbh... haha. I'm laughing rip.

    Yeah I was surprised to hear that they'd say it would end at 12 and I was like, tf how could it end at 12? I don't really care much for AOT actually, but I had watched season 1 and was getting somewhat interested in it again so I figured why not give season 2 a try. I was up to date with each new episode but then I just kinda gave up like I said.

    I agree, it's kinda hard to decide. xD I never watched much pokemon tbh but it was always the show I wanted to watch. I think it never ran when i was available or something, cuz i saw very few episodes during my childhood.

    Haha yeah I know, I just mean in the sense that by the time I was done I was so tired and my back was dead. xD
    Yeahhh haha, it was kinda inevitable. Not that I minded too much ,I was usually doing my own thing (probably drawing or playing games? Who knows). Some I liked I guess, none were downright terrible but I never go obsessed with anything haha. Omg though rip... maybe that happened with my sibling because at one point they just stopped watching TV entirely and now all they do is talk to people online and play minecraft or something. xD

    Oh my gosh yeah that was the last one I watched too?? I never finished the season though... I think I had 3-4 episodes left but just kinda gave up keeping track with it. True, I used to not count pokemon as an anime, now I dunno what iI classify it as. xD Oh man though yeah I get it. I need to find some more good ones to watch but I never take the initiative to find any.

    Aww you think? I'm glad to hear if that's the case. ^^ I spent too long on it tbh lol..
    Yeah haha. Honestly the only times I watched TV was whenever my sibling would watch it because we'd just both be in the same room. If they hadn't watched TV I'd know nothing (I mean I still don't know any shows, but I know a bunch of like kid/teen shows thanks to my sibling lol).
    Perhaps that's the case. I personally just never found anything very appealing to watch or cared to search things up. I haven't watched anime in a long time tbh haha, unless the occasional anime movie counts. xD

    Oh man haha idk how to explain it , I actually had to explain my drawing idea to the host of the contest before drawing it, and I explained my idea so poorly lmao... If you just click on the retro drawing voting poll, (on the carousel of contests) it would be the 4th picture in the poll.
    Haha I see. xD Oh man though that sounds nice and chill. :3 (Nuggets are good I don't blame you shh).
    Oh tbh i like, don't watch any shows tbh LOL. If I ever do watch something it's like, freaking anime or movies, and I don't even watch those often anymore. If I don't forget then maybe I will look into it. xD

    Hopefully. :')

    Pff it's okay. xD And oh I see. I suck at al the photo challenges, I'm not that creative. What I am surprised about though is that I was nominated as one of the finalists in the retro drawing fair and I'm like?? Damn ;; (you didn't hear that from me though sh)
    Oh yikes, rip hopefully they get fixed, but lol yeah at the same time I'm just like, wow lucky because I started college this week and I'm like, ugh no I had no summer....
    Tbh this whole summer I had been pretty stressed out, still kinda stressed but I'm like, wow I didn't die moving into res so I'm like,, maybeee things won't be so bad. Maybe. xD
    I've kinda been obsessing over the TBT fair lol... I had been anticipating the voting for the 3 contests for so long so when they finally came out yesterday I was just super excited haha
    Luckily for me I don't have to pick a new village name and mayor name because I'm keeping the same names.

    Yeah that's the most difficult part about finding a map. because there's so many different factors like where the Town hall is gonna be and where the retail is. and a lot of times you'll find a map layout you like but those two aren't put somewhere good. I also just want peaches or pears for a town fruit.

    Villagers house placement doesn't matter cause more than likely their all moving out.
    Just an update.

    I've come close a few times to finding a map but still haven't found one. I'm being picky cause I don't ever want to reset again cause of a map. I'd love to have a map I adore and keep it for as long as I play this game. I don't know how long it'll take.
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