L L Lozzybear Sep 4, 2017 Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I should be able to get the pictures tomorrow. That is, if you still have em for sale. It's ok if not
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I should be able to get the pictures tomorrow. That is, if you still have em for sale. It's ok if not
Snowi Sep 4, 2017 hElLo dAdDy n0 vesit TaenK yU StRaEnGr Deanger :0 mi fevreite Culaor iz Grabage Gren hAHAahAhaHa :^P
Snowi Sep 4, 2017 oh mer gerd, is it rlly u tinklekupoo :00 i em s0ch a gud fan pls noetic me snepai i em 5 yers oeld nd mi nem iz jerem n i leav in tenasi ooklehema, me sdres iz 51e8 aczie acejfint su wat iez uer fevurit culor >:^)
oh mer gerd, is it rlly u tinklekupoo :00 i em s0ch a gud fan pls noetic me snepai i em 5 yers oeld nd mi nem iz jerem n i leav in tenasi ooklehema, me sdres iz 51e8 aczie acejfint su wat iez uer fevurit culor >:^)
togen Sep 4, 2017 sorry for the delay, im doing a trade currently so ill message you again when we can swap ^-^
togen Sep 4, 2017 ah, alright ^-^! I don't need the roses anymore, started breeding some. I'll get the roses, whose town should we trade in?
ah, alright ^-^! I don't need the roses anymore, started breeding some. I'll get the roses, whose town should we trade in?