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  • Don't worry about it, I'll be on and off all day. Enjoy your Sunday and maybe tonight will work.
    o: thank you. Individual does sounds like a good plan, since you never know how far away someone is connection wise.
    Alright. Please let me know when you can buy them. I see you're online now, so I can open my gates now, if you wish.
    Your order of 25 blue roses and 20 blue pansies is ready! Don't send TBT yet. Let me know when you can pick them up. :)
    Yeah but now I have to make a huge path & make sure they all fall into the place that I want them to. Like I just got Marina but she moved into a place where I don't like at all. Now I have to kick her out later & go through the cycle to get her AGAIN. sighs///

    Maybe there's another way to hack it? I don't know much about hacking gamecube but I know that there's more than one way to hack something.

    Yeah I HATE when they did that. I mean I didn't mind the flowers being ruined but when the moved in front of your house or town hall and just. it's so annoying like u dont belong there. I also don't like when they move in front of the station. The side of it?? yeah thats cool but not right there. it's just so ahjkdjadk dont
    And they do but it takes forever. I used Daisy's card once & she moved all by herself. I don't know why they take forever to move even when you never talked to them or anything.
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