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  • sorry I haven't been playing ACNL and stevn universe pic isnt posted data is formatted on my ds and the internet password is gone so I have to use electronics with the password aready put in
    Sorry about leaving early, had to pick up my father in law from work, he got kept late. Ready to come back
    I've been unwinding since getting home from work. On the island right now but if you're still up I'll let you know when I'm back
    Hey I fixed the post, feel free to grab my QR code from it if you want?

    If you can't find it. I put a link in my account bio.
    Yeah it's just I like being able to connect to wi-fi and playing with people haha. Since I know I can't do that often though, I've been looking into getting a new 3ds game to keep me occupied. I mean, I have a lot I still need to play (rip) but I haven't gotten a new game in so long and it might be nice.
    Man though that's a lot wtf, hope everything is going okay.
    If you're busy you're busy lol. You can't really help that, you're behind. Of course it's nice getting help on my town. But your studies are your highest priorities at the moment. When you have any freetime just hit me up.
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