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  • Thank you. I was trying to reply to you in my thread but it was going into my main post and not a separate reply.
    Of course! Glad someone is putting them to good use c:
    And thank you, it's always such an eggcellent time there as mayor <3<3
    Haha, it's pretty much the only anime I actually love. :p But I'm a sucker for violent dramatic things lol.

    Thank you very much ^_^ My mom is out of the hospital and back to the care home so the worst has passed.
    Great :) Just about to watch the new episode of Attack on Titan, then I'm going out to visit my mom in the care home. How about yours? ^_^
    Zucker is ready!

    I'm glad you're enjoying your new town and that things are going smoothly ^_^ You have awesome dreamies btw. A lot of unique ones :)
    Oh I just saw your previous VM. (My notifications aren't working very well for some reason!) But yeah, I really love the fluffy cats ^_^

    Anyway, I'm going to get Zucker for you now :) Lol. Did you just start a new town then?
    Lol they're pretty extreme. I just stay away from them as much as possible now. Better this way :) But of course a part of me always wishes we could have a proper relationship, obviously for my boyfriend's sake, but also because I have always wanted to be accepted as part of his family. Oh well :p

    That's a pretty dreamy cat ^_^ Persian cats are beautiful! I, myself, want a Maine Coon :D They are just so majestic and gorgeous! My second choice is a rag doll with blue eyes <3 I completely agree. Animals are amazing!
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