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  • Yeah it's pretty tough. My bf and I have had many hard times because of it :( But the way they are just isn't right and I find it hard to trust that they've changed. After years of harassment and death threats, I really don't want any part of it unless they truly change their ways.

    But yes, that would be amazing! I already know I want a dog and a cat! Maybe even 2 of each if we are well off enough in the far future :) Ugh, I love being around animals! ^_^
    I wish I could move! My bf and I were actually going to move into his parents' place, but that didn't work out. I don't get along with them and they started some drama again. I didn't really want to move there in the first place but I agreed just because I could have a pet there at least. But moving elsewhere just isn't a good idea right now. We have it really good at this place and the only downside is not being able to have pets. So we are just going to have to wait till we can get our own house, sadly. :(

    Lol those are cute names! I thought you named Rodney after the Hamster in ACNL at first :p Must be super fun to have those critters running around <3
    Unfortunately not :( We aren't allowed to have pets in our place. We've tried asking because we really want a dog, but the landlords said no (even though they have a dog of their own :/) What are your guinea pigs' names? :)

    And Del is also waiting for you now ^_^
    Oh, and I've kind of stopped developing my town for now. At least I've slowed down by a lot. :p Now that I'm not trying to beat a deadline, I don't have much incentive to develop my town quickly. When I was trying to finish my town by the last day of the cherry blossoms, I was really motivated and quick. Haha. Not anymore!
    As long as you have space, you can adopt more ^_^ It's just one at a time in case there were multiple people adopting at a time. But it's only you right now :)
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