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  • Haha maybe i should play Nintendogs once then, just to make up for my childhood! My name is Claire btw- nice to meet you (hehe I realized we haven't properly introduced ourselves yet). I'm 17 and finally finally on summer break. I live in the US!
    I think i'm a late bloomer in terms of gaming- i played my first pokemon game only two years ago, and i've played acnl for only a month and a half! When i was a kid i mostly played computer games and my parents wouldn't buy me a DS haha, but I always wanted to play Nintendogs and Cooking Mama and stuff like the other kids... I bought myself the 3DS i use now, and i have no regrets hehe :)
    It's seriously long though! so no judgement for not having it ALL done hehe
    How long have you been playing acnl?
    Haha yes it's my childhood favorite show and it's still my fashion inspiration- those girls are working it w/ their style!!
    thanks for the bamboo! i appreciate it a lot!!! sorry i couldn't hang out- i have to deliver something... maybe next time? ;) it was sweet of you to gift me the bamboo!
    I'm around now if you are! The gates will be open (i've added you already) whenever you're ready to come... thanks!
    Haha no worries! I'll be available and probably online on the forums almost all day today, so just lmk when you're ready! Thanks again!
    I think I'm going to head in for the night, so I'll make sure to reach out to you in the morning! Hope you have a good night/day!
    Omg thanks for telling me you still have bamboo. I definitely still want some, but I'm currently at the island, slaving away to provide for my villagers (you know the drill)... Whenever you're ready, just vm me and I'll be ready in a few minutes- the island is kind of hating on me rn so I might just give up before I fill up all 40 slots... Anyway! let me know! and thank youuuu!
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