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  • I'll make you my last order of the day~ I'm ready to drop off your items for 45tbt. Sorry for such a long time to make a reply. I just did an 1 1/2 hour trade (x.x) so many items....Nicole's shop is honestly the best shop because she has everything.
    sounds rad
    i should have everything together in like uhhhh 10-15 minutes
    you can open now tho if you want
    *Is girl who orders complete furniture sets and forgets wallpaper exists, then blames game for not making wallpaper for any sets*
    Oh, Issi, I was able to get the U-R-Here dress to actually be a dress! xD I won't charge you anything for it since it was listed. Let me know when I can drop it off.
    Yeah, I don't know, my game might be a little buggy. A couple days ago I did someone's wishlist and one of the wallpapers I got for them was named "???", but functioned and was the wallpaper I got for them, and it was renamed to its proper name after being spread in the house. Weird stuff. Anyways, like I said, I'll try to get the dress working, but if it doesn't in the end, I'm super sorry.
    I was hoping that would fix by you picking it up, but I'll look a little more into it.
    Okay, so, the weird thing about the U-R-Here dress.. whenever I picked it up and had it in my pockets, it would like, auto translate to a t-shirt for boys. I don't understand it..
    I'm on! And I have everything gathered.. so I think for all of this, I'd want a solid 175 TBT.
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