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  • Aw, thank you!

    I'm on my way now. I had to battle with the wifi router again to get it to work
    Okay, I'll be over in a few minutes. I have a huge headache, so I'm being a bit slow... Sending TBT now! See you soon
    Whew, sorry for the late reply. Just got home not long ago! I don't have wifi right now, but I should be able to trade tomorrow. I'll let you know asap. I'm really sorry about the wait.
    Mkay, thanks, it's no problem! Just a heads up, I currently have wifi, but later today I'll be going somewhere else and I'm not sure when I'll be back here again.
    yeah it was very good!! a bit sad at times but i really liked it :) idk if you have netflix but it's on there!
    ahhh i love sandpipers!! :D have you seen the animated short called piper? it's so cute!!!
    Uhhhh haha sorry to get your hopes up but the newest Pokemon game I play is Pearl version ^^"

    And in the games I do have, I have never seen a shiny pokemon, ever.
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