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  • oh i've never heard of oystercatchers! i didn't know birds could crack open shells like that, it's super cool! plus they're pretty cute :) and i love killdeer! there used to be some that lived at my grandma's out in the country, they had their nest in the gravel on the shoulder of the road, i did a report on them in elementary school! :blush: i really like inca terns because they have little mustaches!!
    i love dogs, they're just so sweet and perfect lol, i can't wait to move into a new apartment where dogs are allowed!
    aww guinea pigs are so cute as well, sorry to hear that yours passed away! :( i've never had any myself but i do enjoy them! i think the next animal i would get would be a dog :)
    yeah i try to do the same with my parakeets but they don't like it when i touch their head much unless they're really itchy lol, birds are the best :)
    just found him, he's adorable! is he molting in this picture? it looks like he has some new feathers coming in on his head! he does look very sweet :)
    i didn't see that, but that's awesome! quakers are soooo adorable, i'd love to have one someday :D
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