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  • Ah I see, fair enough! I didn't even catch the shiny gyarados in heartgold I accidentally killed it omg even in videogames i still manage to mess up somehow
    P2: Honestly though if you're looking for shinies, I recommend going on GTS at early hours of the morning. That's where you'll find those weird people who are more likely to trade a shiny for a pidgey
    Hi!! unfortunately I don't (tbh i don't have any shiny pokemon to begin with rip) that's weird though, usually it's quite easy to get your hands on shinies since many people have shops for it on here but maybe try looking around on GTS for shinies or reddit? (ik captain obvious am i right) since my brother collects shinies and he doesn't use the forum, so that's where he finds most of his. Also, people host shiny giveaways on youtube from time to time so you can always try looking on there!!
    I can get you Apollo, Celia and Sterling if that's okay. My FC is 3626-0337-2996. I'll open my gates for you to drop by. c:
    Hey, would you still like Apollo's pic? (I have all 333 villager pics but I am still deciding on keeping a few but if you name some more, I may still have them.)
    hello ~ idk if you meant by the post i was just in but I was selling her beans the other person was selling balloons c: I don't have any balloons to sell unfortunately :(
    One of the Pokemon is in a battle box. I'll have to end the trade after I give the others so I can get it for you
    Okay. I'll be on alpha sapphire when you need me. I think I have you added still. My IGN is Sugar.
    It's no worries. I see those prices usually for genned ones and these aren't genned except for the ditto. But that new price sounds fine to me. Gimme a time to meet and we can trade.
    Sorry but I wont give up Deino for double the offer considering Ash asked first, and it'd be super rude of me to offer it to you when the original offers were for them. However you are free to offer on the other pokemon that Ash doesn't want.
    Sorry, didn't realize my internet shut off. I should be able to fix it in like 2 minutes
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