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  • okay i'll add you right now! and i dont mind coming to your town to pick it up c: whats your town name?
    How is Fire Emblem, btw? I never tried it, and the only reason I know of it is because of SSBB, lmao.
    I loved Toronto the last time I went. :3 But our last convo pretty much sums up why I've been leaning a lot more towards Xbox nowadays for "M" games and Minecraft, lol.
    Yeah, the VR seems like it was quite rushed. Though it's not a bad company, Sony does this with everything. Their first wireless controllers even failed a ton compared to the Wii's/Xbox's. Are you from Canada? - if you don't mind saying out in the open. XD
    omg, I love SAO. And yeah hearing the VR come out, usually I would rush and get it - but I decided to wait it out, and nobody seems to be raving about it so from what i've seen it's just like the "i-Toy" (Sony's failed attempt at a Kinect like system) to the Wii. Something bigger and better will come out regarding VR, and I will love it. BUt it's definitely not something I'd get off Sony.
    Lol, funny thing is I've veered away from Sony lately - didn't even bother with the ps4. Love xbox far more! Nintendo has no competitors to me 'cause it's such a unique company.
    OMGGG I still have the Original 1 & 3 of Spyro! THey are worth like $300 now on Amazon, lol~ I can't bear to part with them, though. Sometimes I just want to retro-game. As for ur game brand, i was more of a sony child and only nintendo with gameboy. Then once gamecube came along, I started loving nintendo.
    I'm actually thrilled someone got the reference so quickly, lol! That was my very first video game along with Spyro.
    It is! LOL. I kinda wanna make it bigger, but idk how. It certainly wasn't that small originally.
    I saw that! I wanted to drop by and congratulate u but i didn't know if that would be appropriate lol. I'll buy something from it one day! About
    To open my gates
    Hi, Issi! Sure.
    I will prepare your order and it will be done quickly.

    Sorry for the late reply. I put "on break" and didn't expect anyone to be ordering anything cause it's been a ghost town here for the past 3-4 days.
    Thanks! Just lmk when you're free for me to come over. I actually need some time to get some meow coupons aha
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