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  • hey, little question with your sig; you listed: "(Left side) Chrissy, Flora, Muffy, Erik, Diance, Marina, Stiches" who's Diance? ^^'
    Thank you! :) and no way! People are selling them for £4 here, that's crazy expensive! But the only characters I've looked for are Chow and Chief who aren't particularly popular xD
    Unfortunately I can relate, I hacked all of my favorite villagers in and then updated my DS and then they moved out and I could no longer hack ;-;
    This new amiibo feature is amazing though I'm so glad Nintendo added it so we can get our villagers back!
    Brilliant thank you! If it's ok can I come to your town, mine looks a little embarrassing right now due to resetting it xD let me know once you've TT n opened your gates :)
    It's 3093-8123-2638, thank you so much! I'll add you now and send over the bell! That's so kind of you to do it for so little thank you! :)
    Sorry no! I made the post about the Wii U, I used to use this website years ago when the game was only a few months old and I haven't used it since so I'm a lil rusty since the layout has changed and everything lmao - I even had to make a new user profile. I was wondering if you could help me get the Wii U - if not don't worry about it!
    Oh okay im sorry for your dreamie loss, if you have a tumblr let me know i know somebody with francines card i think ?
    Oh! Yeah :3 I have some villagers im scared to lose. I already lost Punchy, Erik, and Flora (pink flamingo). I think ill try that TT week thing. Btw, just got Katie, whatd I do with her? :O
    You can save and then TT a week ahead save again and TT a week ahead ? Getting villagers out is so difficult honestly, thats why i got my dreamie amiibo cards :3
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