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  • Oh wow I expected something entirely different. This is scary.

    It's Star Wars, all right.
    Thank you, I really appreciate. Love it myself, too, thought I'd use something interesting and different than the anime stuff that everyone uses here.

    What's yours from? I see Christmas hats
    How does queueing make things easier? I'm not too aware if tumblr, pretty recently started using it so I'm not well informed on all of its features.
    Oh okay, I actually typed tumblr earlier but then I looked again and it looked like Twitter for some reason.

    I assume you're pretty active on tumblr then?
    Oh okay, I actually typed tumblr earlier but then I looked again and it looked like Twitter for some reason.

    I assume you're pretty active on tumblr then?
    Yeah wow, that's so damn accurate. Man why can't we hibernate

    you browse twitter much?
    I never had cats I don't know what they're like. But i know dogs crave more attention.
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