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  • Yeah, that's fine! It's a cycling town so I'm used to getting voided villagers. Just come on over whenever!
    My gates open for Flowers, I should have said my 2nd town though, it looks much better then my main town, I've had my main town since the game came out, and I probably picked one of the first maps and well, its a bit boring ish xD
    Oh and yeah you can do your sigs here.
    I set the clock back so they'd actually be awake for you it was 3am
    Oh that's fine, I have other IRL things to do so I'll just leave him on he won't move out until 12 am est so I don't even have to set the clock back in my town. I don't mind :)
    Seems you're offline, I will be on later, in a couple hours, I will keep violet for you. VM me ^^
    I suck at smash. Lol. It's pretty embarrassing. no spaces?

    Haha lets play one day.
    HON AM I CRAZY yes!!
    I GOT wii u x.x i told myself i wouldnt bc i like how the 3ds is portable but i caved when i saw toad and toadette on treasure tracker.

    ironically i did not get that game first i got smash. lol

    setting it up as we speak xoxoxox hit me up when you're free we can play again!!! know you're over it ;-;
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