N a t

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  • Woops, totally posted my last comment on my profile. How embarrassing :rolleyes: That would be awesome though! Do they even have collectibles for all the different colors of the flowers too? Like blue roses? Cause if they, RIP every bell I own xD I think I wanna get every birthstone It'd be cool to have them all lined up like that! One day.. once I figure out a better way to make bells
    Yeah, I feel ya haha :p I hadn't really planned on getting too into buying collectibles, but I keep seeing more and more of them and the mushroom pretty much sealed my fate :(
    Aww, you didn't have to send me the bells I needed to buy the mushroom D: that was very sweet of you though. Thank you :)
    Yeah I was just about to go to the marketplace to see if any was being sold at an affordable price.

    Oh God, Halloween?! Hopefully it will only be old candy and nothing new... I can't afford all this!
    Wish I could get more since they are pretty, but they are expensive! I guess one will do, I don't want to risk not having TBT for next month's flowers. I never got a carnation (neither one of them) :(
    Hi! Thanks, I actually got lucky and got one, I didn't even knew that they were limited stock.
    I saw it! Thank you so much for looking out for me my loveee! I really appreciate it -HUGS-
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