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  • Hehe! You were also really nice, and bought idontrememberwhoitwas for that other guy, for 100TBT! :)
    I just received a donation from you for my new town and wanted to really take the time to thank you! you are such a generous member and from the few interactions we've had I've really enjoyed them c:

    but yeah receiving that meant the world to me as it'll really help my new town (really upset I had to reset in the first place but ugh it is what it is, right) but yeah, thank you. c:
    Thanks for answering my question, now let's see...I can't quite remember who was the last villager I let move out on their own, but I wouldn't like it if someone comes to pick up Marshal only to get a random move-in from my void the next day instead, or if I go pick up Sparro only to get a random move-in from that person's town the next day
    Bone Baby, I have another question. About the void and how exactly it works ): Now, since I currently have Marshal in boxes and if I were to go to someone else's town, would that still clear my void? Within my void, I believe I have Jeremiah, Teddy, Annalisa, Purrl (and does it count that Sly and Cookie are in my main street?) I'm curious to know
    It's my first time doing a giveaway though, especially for a villager ^.^ But yeah, I wanted people to get a chance at getting a really popular villager like Marshal, feels like the nice, right thing to do :)
    ooh cubone is a cutie! i will be around for the rest of the night and will also be available tomorrow. just let me know :)
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