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  • btw, wouldnt it be amazing if all movies are available in imax? if conjuring 2 were available in imax it'll cettainly be more horrifying lmao.
    thats sweet of yo grandma. my grandma is living in a different country and i kinda miss her lol, shes a sweet old lady.
    oh btw, my favorite scene is the one where the mad hatter and his ''underlings'' make fun of time with puns. like when that cat said ''im on time'' when he's literally on time xD laughed so hard.
    well ill ttyl. having another fashion orgasm from the movie torrent i downloaded xD oh, i dont think theres any nearby disney stores. in fact, i think they dont even exist here in my country lmao.
    oh that sucks...well good luck to you lol. anyway, am i the only that fins time hot? im talking bout the character in alice.
    like maybe work 3-4 hours in starbucks or something. theres a chance you could meet a hot baarista in starbucks y'know huehuehue
    i seriously need a replica of that gorg costume <3 oh my god... oh, and why not take a real part time job though?
    oh, and did you notice alice gorgeous chinese costume? oh my god...that costume! THAT COSTUME! IT WAS SO PRETTY!!!! I WANT THAT COSTUME!! as a fashion design student myself i love that chinese costume! kinda gave me a fashion orgasm. omg i want that gorgeous costume ;w;
    oh? whats your job? and btw, i just downloaded the alice through the looking glass torrent. gonna watch this **** again lmao
    eh..22 is quite cheap to me actually o.o not sure why americans find 20+ expensive. anyway, cant wait to see ghost busters in imax as well! it'll be out here in 14 july.
    how much is a ticket for imax there? its $22 here which i kinda find reasonable since its better than the normal ones.
    ate? o.o well, at least i got to enjoy the 3d effects lmao. tbh the imax intro was more immersive than the whole movie itself.
    wow the movie was bomb! felt like i wasted my money tho...i had to pee so bad when i was in the theater but i didnt want to miss anything so i bear with it until alice time traveled to the kingdom. i thought that part was ok to miss so i went to the toilet and when i got back, i realized i missed the most important scene. the scene that explains the whole movie. ugh...i only realized the whole plot at the last 40minutes of the movie -.-
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