N a t

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  • No worries!1 it's super cool of you to give entry prizes to people who didn't win. Most people don't do that sort of thing so it's super sweet you did!!
    Thank you, I appreciate the message! It's super nice of you to give some extra bells to those who didn't win, I'm happy to wait so don't worry about it! & thanks again for the give away!!

    (oops, thanks for letting me know about the inbox, clearing it now!)
    Hey, I was wondering if it would be okay to sell the apple you gave me? I thought I might ask first, because its rude to sell it without asking :).
    I'm looking to just save up tbt through cycling, and if I ever catch a restock I would like enough to get as many collectables as possible with the tbt. So would that be cool if I sold it? Thank you!
    ah that makes sense! I'm over half way with the 5km - will have to do some more walking! :> what did you end up hatching?
    ah me too - I only have 1 10km egg and I am incubating that and a 5km one as well - what is the blue incubator? why is it limited uses?
    ahhh I caught 2 ghastlys this morning and I was super pumped because I got a jigglypuff too! it looks like there is a clefairy in the 3-footstep range somewhere around here! I just want to walk around all day instead of working ; v ;

    thanks again for all of your help and encouragement! :>
    discord is mainly a pc chat thing but it has an app too. not sure if its a big app tho. we can use use other chat app if u want hehe
    still waiting for pkm go to be released here ugh fml. we should use a chatting platform so we can chat more instead of waiting for each other's vms
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