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  • Wow a hammer is soo expensive though. Good luck getting it. All I want at least are the apple and peach collectibles to complete the fruits set. Also, nahh, I'm going to go all out this weekend selling villagers and whatnot lol, I only had to take out 27tbt from my bank so that's not an intimidating amount. We can do this!
    Tee hee I was in a hurry so I couldn't type a reply sorry ;A; I love it!! Buck is so Buck! The interaction is really cute!! (I hope Snake won't be jealous though heuheu). Anyway, once you've gotten your scanner to work, I assure you your art is going to be in high demand! I will definitely commission you again after the shop restocks because we're all saving up towards it right now amirite? Haha thank you for the wonderful pieces *HUGS*
    Haha I'm excited too! I can't wait to do your mayor especially! She has so much detail!
    Ughhhhhh pen smears should gtfo our lives!! That sucks I would rage if it were to happen to me. Drawing is fun when you don't have stupid art blocks lol. Those are just the worse. Also, I've never used whiteouts when I made a mistake on my drawings. I suck at using whiteouts, it'll just worsen things hohoho. Yeaaay~~ So excited I'm not gonna lie whoop whoooop. Really can't wait to see your rendition of those 3!!
    Awww thank you very much! Oh but now, you draw traditional art which is more difficult because you can't undo lol. As long as people are willing to pay that means your price is justified~ Actually, they are quite reasonable considering you have to create the villagers in an entirely new fashion!
    Yup~ Saw the deal but I'd much prefer full bodies so 140tbt for both~ Which means, the total would be 210tbt overall^^ asldklk;sfj can't wait!!
    Ahh thank you for the VM, I appreciate it!! Soooo ecstatic! I will edit my request to add a villager on your thread!! I'm 120% sure I'm gonna love whatever you come up with but I really appreciate the gesture. You're so sweet. Thank you^^
    Thank you for Groudon!!! Sorry that I was playing X, it was already in my 3DS and I didn't want to change it to AS. It has to know a move that isn't available in gen 6.
    Let's see if it's me playing X is the problem. I'm gonna go grab my copy of Alpha Sapphire brb.
    If you're still getting the "can't trade Pokemon when in party" error cancel the trade and move Groudon to one of your PC boxes.
    It definitely is and I've only just begun. But hey, thank you so much again for your kindness. This made my day much brighter (even though it was already bright)! Have a lovely day
    Aw, thank you! It's been such a busy day. That's so sweet of you :) (Sending TBT to you now)
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