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  • May I message you when I am ready? I might be done in an hour.... Thanks mate :)
    no prob, I actually checked it first to make sure that they would line up like that for you (✿◠‿◠)
    My thread bugged out, but sure thing!

    Yellow Candy: 10-18-2014 11:55 PM
    Red Candy: 10-27-2014 09:10 AM
    Lucky's house is still really cool. He has a claw machine in it, so that's amazing to me.
    I hope you've been doing well. Just wanted to check in. Thanxers again, btw.
    ok, well i think i'll be closing it around 7 pm-ish EST today, but if you find yourself definitely working on an entry later today and needing a little more time tonight just send me a message and i'll hold it open a bit longer. have a good day!
    hello, fyi- i am probably closing entries to my giveaway later today (early evening EST) if you still wanted to get one in.
    haha it's ok! I'll come to your town, lmk when the gate is open! or give me a time to come back and check if we miss each other again :)
    Okay, but if you have any requests, big or small, in the future, I'm all ears. Thanxers again.
    Do you want to arrange anything for me to give you? Any items or services, perhaps? I know you were giving me Lucky because you want others to feel the joy of having them, but I do feel like you deserve something in return for such a big sum of TBT.
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