N N Nagisu-chan Sep 27, 2015 You may grab a pink carnation from my town. It'll be past(south of) the bridge on my right side of town... to the right from there and up.
You may grab a pink carnation from my town. It'll be past(south of) the bridge on my right side of town... to the right from there and up.
Gaby Sep 25, 2015 Oh ok, well there's someone I follow that does free villager adoptions! I thought you could get your mum her villagers from there ^^;
Oh ok, well there's someone I follow that does free villager adoptions! I thought you could get your mum her villagers from there ^^;
Gaby Sep 25, 2015 Yeah! It must be so nice to have your mum to play with! >< I wanted to see if I have any of the ones she was looking for but I don't :< However do you get on tumblr?
Yeah! It must be so nice to have your mum to play with! >< I wanted to see if I have any of the ones she was looking for but I don't :< However do you get on tumblr?
Gaby Sep 25, 2015 I don't have the paper you're looking for, but your mom plays?! That's so cool! Haha who are her dreamies??
I don't have the paper you're looking for, but your mom plays?! That's so cool! Haha who are her dreamies??
Miily Sep 24, 2015 I don't know exactly what happening, but my town isn't showing up, can we try in 30 minutes? or less?
I don't know exactly what happening, but my town isn't showing up, can we try in 30 minutes? or less?
OmgItsAbigail Sep 24, 2015 Hi sorry dunno how to delete stuff in my inbox! My game corrupted;-; So those will be my first items in my new ACNL I have (corrupted 2 days ago)
Hi sorry dunno how to delete stuff in my inbox! My game corrupted;-; So those will be my first items in my new ACNL I have (corrupted 2 days ago)
Kristen Sep 23, 2015 It's no problem! c: I'm available right now if you are. I can drop it off in your town if you want!
Piddles Sep 23, 2015 Yay, thank you Can we use yours? I have to do 1 trade before you then I'll be right over What's your town name?
Yay, thank you Can we use yours? I have to do 1 trade before you then I'll be right over What's your town name?