N a t

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  • I just got Agnes in one of my towns and I am super excited too!!

    It's so sad she caught a cold right after moving in. I'm taking good care of her!
    I'm so excited for you!! She's a cutie for sure!
    I just got Agnes in one of my towns and I am super excited too!!

    It's so sad she caught a cold right after moving in. I'm taking good care of her!
    I'm so excited for you!! She's a cutie for sure!
    np all is perfect! just need 2-3 minutes and shoudl be open town is chococat ^-^ :)
    Shouldn't be ful, and something came up. I'll be busy for a lil. Will you be available in an hour at the latest? Sorry x.x
    sure sure! just need 5 minutes please i'm in one trade right now thanks so much :)
    btw your inbox is full again? o:
    Yes, I did! I am terribly sorry to put you through all of this for nothing..
    Oh, it's ok, you can keep it. I'm sure you would put it to more use than me. :)
    You can deliver her to me! I don't have ANY Katie items, so it would be really nice to have her! ;)
    (I'm free right now.)
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