N a t

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  • Aw it's ok! You can come pick it up in a sec, I'm on a secondary character because I accidentally erased some paths T^T You don't have to pay me any :D
    Your inbox is full x3 I have an extra flower bopper. Would you happen to have a floppy hat we could trade for?
    Hi, I wasn't online when you offered to give the rest of the TBT needed for coco. Although it wouldn't add to 100 I appreciate you being kind enough to do that. Have a good day
    Hey that's great. I'm happy to have added the final touch to your collection :D
    oh no problem! you can have it for free :) i have a trade after so ill leave right away if you don't mind ^^
    oh! i could give you one then ^^ let me just do a quick trade right now?
    aw you're too sweet! thank you as well c: if you need anything else let me know, i just might have it ^_^

    good luck with the tulips!
    If you go onto my profile, then scroll down my 'about me' page, at the bottom there should be the amount of bells I have, click that them enter the amount your giving to me.
    Thanks sooo much!
    ah it's no problem!! i didn't even see that ;; so yeah nothing to worry about ^^ have a nice day!
    Thank you very selling Beau for a cheap price! You have a nice day as well :D
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