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  • lol. Yeah, cartoon network got rid of the... egregious shows.... like the ones that are that bad.

    Nick is doing horribly, because the new series that come on have unvaried plots, and they get cancelled a short time after.
    breadwinner and most cartoons, since they are just.... terrible.
    i'd give them -1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    (quindecillion, get it? it's the number you mentioned to meh one time xD)
    can you give me an example of a letter you sent? i usually send letters that say,

    "uh... hi"

    and that's it. just those words make them happy.
    mm hm... yes... ok. I called the city po-po. They got no follow-ups. he ain't doing anything wrong.

    welllll... at least we know he's not a felon xD
    UGH. That reminds me of when Lucha moved right in front of me. I got a nice view of his metal house every morning. "Oh, I don't mind if you completely block my view of my hybrid garden. It's TOTALLY fine to wake up with a shadow over my house! I don't mind! It's lovely how I have to sit in your shadow while sunbathing! I can invite friends over, and it's not like they will ponder on about why there is a metal house in front of mine.

    Simon moved directly behind me, since my house is so big, I completely block him. I just want to know why he chose to move into my shadow. xD
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