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  • im sorry, i couldn't make it! the wifi is at my dad's house, and he told me to stay at my mom's house, so I couldn't go T.T im sorry!

    i might be able to do it tomorrow if you're available, but im not sure.
    Ok. Actually, though, since he asked after midnight, I thinj he might actually move on the 5th. No guarantee.
    sure, but it might not work, because my cousins wifi is really good, but other towns can't really come to me.

    would you want to come to my town, also?

    ps, your inbox is fullll!
    hey! I have to go to my dad's house too! ARE YOU MY MAGICAL DOUBLE??? we have so much in common, unintentionally.

    ps, I'm a llama. did u know that? I bought magic from someone so now i can talk! :D

    ps, your inbox is full :)
    I feel like human garbage. Do I deserve to live? Why does everyone on this site hate me? If you look at my most recent visitor messages.... you'll see why...

    ps your inbox is full. ;)

    Sorry, but I can't take Roald. He's already a villager in my town. That, and I don't take villagers from other towns.
    I've never really been a guy who likes violent games. The most violent game I've played and probably will play is Mortal Kombat on the 360. And that kid who said I worship the devil really offended me. And also, if you have a space open for a villager, can you take Roald? He's moving on the 23rd.
    I'm not going to reply to your post this time so I don't go off-topic.

    I agree with you that Call of Duty is bad while I disagree with the person that said you worship the devil. I don't think you worship evil at all.
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