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  • Ok sorry. So what I think your trying to do is add it in the box below your signature box. You have to put it where you put all your text for your signature. :) have you that code, copy paste that into your signaturr and delete the one space. Or you can save the image to your computer/phone and upload it to a pic uploading website and et the code your self. You going to want the Forum and message board code. ;)
    Ok! I'll use that one then. I thought it fit best. :) I'll get to work on that after I play a wii game with my needy little brother. Sorry again. :(
    my god, ask your mom to call them up, or cancel your thing with them. JOIN ANOTHER FORCE, WE MST BRING JUSTICE TO THIS CORRUPT SOCIETY!!!!!! Now I'm aware of how stupeeed this service is. Good thing I'm hooked on T-mobile (for my mom) and Verizon (at my dad's house).
    A rant about Time Warner Cable:
    I thought that they couldn't get worse. But they did it. They FREAKING DID IT!!! THEY CANCELLED THE VISIT!!!!!! I'M NOTICED KIDDING! No wonder they were voted worst company in America. Just... NO INTERNET FOR ANOTHER MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORST COMPANY EVER IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks! i probably won't be available tomorrow, but maybe thursday, or friday, but definitely on Satuday

    it's raining? dang, there will be no reception for anything, then. since 10 am? that rain's been going on for 7 hours then!
    Ok. But they shouldn't be doing this in the 4TH LARGEST METRO AREA IN THE US!!! And I looked at reviews for one of the TWC buildings in Garland, and almost all of them were 1 star reviews.
    And the technician is supposed to come on Tuesday, the day it's supposed to rain all day. Hopefully it can fix itself soon.
    you'll be very surprised after i visit your town. once you arrive at my town, you'll notice how different it looks from my dream town. It kinda shows a transition of from creepy to clean and beautiful.
    Ok. Hopefully Time Warner Cable fixes soon. And I am using this from my phone. But, Time Warner Cable just.... sucks.
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