• I understand. We had a female beagle who usually loved going for her walks but every once in a while she would get in a mood and would refuse to go out the door. She was only 20 pounds but it felt like we were trying to drag a Saint Bernard down the street. lol! Gotta love dogs with stubborn streaks! Good luck on your walk! ;)
    Hi! I just wanted to let you know I should be on throughout today & tonight. I may be in "ninja" mode for a bit to try to get some things done in my town but I will be available. Thanks!
    Hello, I'm gonna be online today and tomorrow so just message me when you're available to trade. Also how much was what I had bought? Cause I've forgotten how much it was.
    Hey Nicole, I am not available at the moment, but I will be available in about 3 hours. o/ Would that work for you? :)
    Hi! I wasn't able to be on as much as I thought today due to my laptop acting up but I should be on for a bit. I don't mind waiting if you're super busy with other orders. Thanks!
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