K K Kawaii :D Sep 16, 2018 Hi! So sorry I didn’t see this last night! I should be on from after 5ish my time I’ll shoot you a van when I’m available
Hi! So sorry I didn’t see this last night! I should be on from after 5ish my time I’ll shoot you a van when I’m available
Christy.lee1989 Sep 15, 2018 ok, i will go ahead and open my gates, u can just drop them off anywhere up there when u have time.
K K koopasta Sep 15, 2018 Alright! I just need to donate stuff to the museum, and then I'll be opened up! Give me about five minutes!
Alright! I just need to donate stuff to the museum, and then I'll be opened up! Give me about five minutes!
K K koopasta Sep 15, 2018 Oops, looks like I missed ya! Just message me when you're back online and I'll open up!
Christy.lee1989 Sep 15, 2018 wow that was quick. i will be on for a bit so let me know when u are ready and do u want me to pick up or u going to drop off? thanks!
wow that was quick. i will be on for a bit so let me know when u are ready and do u want me to pick up or u going to drop off? thanks!
K K koopasta Sep 15, 2018 Great! I'm cooking right now, but I'll open my gates, feel free to drop the items off by the station. I'll send the TBT as soon as I'm done!
Great! I'm cooking right now, but I'll open my gates, feel free to drop the items off by the station. I'll send the TBT as soon as I'm done!