Zeiro Aug 19, 2012 I'd love to, but my internet is being unstable right now because of the weather. I'm sorry. Maybe later?
I'd love to, but my internet is being unstable right now because of the weather. I'm sorry. Maybe later?
SodaDog Aug 19, 2012 http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?62244-Completing-my-Museum-A-List-of-things-i-need i am coming back but i need to go out; i will leave my ac game on in your town til i come back.
http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?62244-Completing-my-Museum-A-List-of-things-i-need i am coming back but i need to go out; i will leave my ac game on in your town til i come back.
easpa Aug 18, 2012 Umm, it's actually been a while since I've last played. Maybe some other time, a bit earlier in the day. I hope I haven't gone off the game again. >.<
Umm, it's actually been a while since I've last played. Maybe some other time, a bit earlier in the day. I hope I haven't gone off the game again. >.<
WhitneyLeigh23 Aug 18, 2012 hahaha thank you i've just been really busy with school starting back up :/
I'm in love Aug 18, 2012 because this morning I tried going to your town but,Copper said you defriended me.