• me too nicole you seen a really nice person and you have a very interesting backround a bit like mine and to top it all of we both have problems, yours with your knees and mine with my foot and we are the same age
    Hiya nicole how are you today.
    Thank's for accepting my friends request aswell.
    arycarys (my sister) think's we are going to be friends for ever and i hope we do become very good friends
    And you have really bad feelings, Which isn't good, And I don't want anyone to have bad feelings, I know what you mean by that, But your insulting people And it sounds like your trying to draw attention.
    You insult most people when you say everyone hates you when you say everyone that makes everyone look bad because your not supposed to hate.
    Your saying that to make me feel bad about myself, The only reason you act like this is to get attention you know nobody hates you and your trying to make people think your hated you need to stop saying that to, Your not just insulting yourself when you say people hates you, You insult everyone when you say that.
    Yeah, i wasnt online on belltree for a few days, sometimes i toke a little look, but forgot to answer to everybody xD
    Im good, and you?
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