Kaiaa Aug 8, 2012 Awesome! I'll swapnote you sometime I don't swapnote a lot so please don't feel down if I don't =p Btw love the avatar, it looks very familiar
Awesome! I'll swapnote you sometime I don't swapnote a lot so please don't feel down if I don't =p Btw love the avatar, it looks very familiar
easpa Aug 8, 2012 I can't tell you how long it took me to sort through all of my stuff in ACCF. Hopefully it'll all be taken!
I can't tell you how long it took me to sort through all of my stuff in ACCF. Hopefully it'll all be taken!
Cloud Aug 8, 2012 Hmm that's true, up to you if you want to be patient or just get windows 7 now. And yeah, we can also play mario kart and other games
Hmm that's true, up to you if you want to be patient or just get windows 7 now. And yeah, we can also play mario kart and other games
Cloud Aug 8, 2012 Awesome hope you get enough money to buy it I got my windows 7 computer for my last birthday.
J J Julia AC Aug 8, 2012 Nicole... omg no it's not... if you really think that than work on it a little more