• No your not seeing the point I had a real delivery as in my job I was just giving you some items I didn't say I was gonna give you all of the items
    Hello :) I have the lovely set if you are still looking and I have all the expensive sets and most of all of the others. I am still not sure about restarting. :-/
    Ok here's my TownName:Brianna Here's my town:Cocanut and here's my Animal Crossing city folk code:2967-5527-5072 Please register me I already registered you!I'll also send you this same message as a private message!
    Nicole your always so snobby like you always want your items now I told you I had a delivery and you said what about my items? all you care about are the items
    Nicole guess what I was just trying to connect to the inter-net as usual and it finally connected so now we can play Animal Crossing city folk!So whats your friend code?I'll give you mine later let me go get it!
    That wouldn't be copying me at all. Everyone is free to share their artwork in a gallery on the museum
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