• at this rate it looks like i'll only be able to trade from tomorrow on... is that okay with you? i'm sorry for the inconvenience!
    I can add you and open my gates. This is a new town and my house is small, so just leave the items on the ground. I'm trying to expand.
    I hope I don´t bother you but I have a question about the paper: I just noticed that none of it shows up in my catalogue, is that normal? I have never seen items that weren´t even listed in the catalogue.
    I just checked, they have a contact email address at the bottom of the home page.
    AND they ask to email if we can contribute something.
    "Please email me (at the address on the bottom of the page) with any item corrections or additions. Anything, no matter how small, is helpful!"
    "Contact: hello at moridb dot com "
    Regarding the pictures, I just assumed they would allow other people to send some in, it would make a lot more sense if they did. I never tried that though, if you want I can look if they have an email address.
    Sorry for the wait, my gates are open now! the town is Nowhere
    there should be plenty of space around the station for you to drop everything.
    Never mind, I think I got the placement of numbers wrong earlier, but you are now added! Do I come over or do you come over?
    I just got back^^ Thank you for being so fast, I really didnt exspect you would be able to find all the items since MoriDB didnt have pictures for all of them (maybe you should send them some^^?)
    I would prefer if you delivered the items because I might not have enough storage space to transport them in one trip. But if you prefer that I pick them up, I can do that too. Just let me know when you have time, I will be online for at least 8 more hours.^^
    Oh, I’m confused! I want to buy the color schemes for 50 TBT and the clover bundle be the free one - is that all right? :) I’ll boot up my game and get your FC added!
    Sorry, I was sleeping at the time. Can I come collect it now? And if possible can I add the “gold tools set” to my order?
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