• I'm so glad for you, that's great that they were able to manage that for you. Ugh shady ebay sellers. :/
    Hi, sorry I just finished up with classes and finals. I always keep missing you whenever you come around! Let me know whenever I can pick up my order :lemon:
    Yeah man that almost sounds like it was stolen, what shady dealings, ugh ebay is so hit and miss.
    Man that's totally a valid paypal claim they didn't sell you what you paid for that's hella shady. I hope the apple store can help you out. They've been pretty above board with me but we got our apple devices from our phone service provider on a pay by the month basis :c

    Oh they didn't make me pay for the tea I never got, the company was hella nice and sent another shipment both times they were stolen and the second one required a signature to hand off the package, it's just they didn't offer that shipment option outright on the site ugh.
    Oh man nah friend I got one up on you over parcels, in the apartment before this one there was no dedicated box for larger parcels to go into so the mail people in their infinite wisdom would NOT like you know take it upstairs to our door but leave it downstairs in the unlocked hallway right in front of the mailboxes. I had 25$ worth of loose leaf tea stolen not once but THREE TIMES. What were they even going to do with it?!?! Followed the THIRD time it happened my spouse went around to the remaining two residents on the bottom floor and asked if they were you know just watching the package for us, to be neighborly. Low and behold out comes my freaking third package of tea.

    It's loose leaf tea, custom blended, with personal artwork on the tins you dipsticks, why are you stealing THIS???? it says tea on the box sobs.
    Yeah it's just now making the circuits over here although there was a flu bug late october and in novmeber I managed to skip that was going around my spouse's workplace.

    Yeah I still have some online shopping to do for far away friends but all my around the town stuff is done and wrapped. I feel though, usually I'm last minute getting gifts from the drug store. One year my mom got a tatty red candelabra for christmas because it was christmas eve and my dad and I were hopelessly looking for presents because we were both terrible procrastinators.
    It is the seasonal cold going around it lingers longer in me because I'm diabetic I just have to get rest and not overdo it so animal crossing and naps is about my speed this week ahah, glad I got my xmas shopping done last week :c
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