jenikinz Dec 3, 2017 Ok, just let me know when you are available. I will keep checking back. I have today and tomorrow off.
Ok, just let me know when you are available. I will keep checking back. I have today and tomorrow off.
AngelBunny Dec 3, 2017 hi i see my order is ready i will probably be on 10am-1pm your time or 2-3 pm your time or 5pm-11pm your time you are cst right?...
hi i see my order is ready i will probably be on 10am-1pm your time or 2-3 pm your time or 5pm-11pm your time you are cst right?...
jenikinz Dec 3, 2017 I am up and should be home the rest of the day today I think we might be on opposite time zones.
jenikinz Dec 2, 2017 Perfect! Sunday it is. I will message you when I get up. I am on USA Mountain time, so I am not sure of the time difference.
Perfect! Sunday it is. I will message you when I get up. I am on USA Mountain time, so I am not sure of the time difference.