• Heyo. Sorry I haven't been on at all today, I've been super busy trying to deal with things. I'll be checking in for the next five hours or so, but if you don't get back on today I'll probably be next available at 1 PM MST (GMT -7) tomorrow.
    I'm going to be open until 4 hours after this post. Just drop by if you're available
    I had it open for 4 hours and then went to make dinner and you messaged me ahhhhh, typical omg
    Err, I hope I'm not too late with replying. Are you stil able to deliver the items?
    I really love getting up at 4 am in the summer, it's perfectly bright out but no one's really up yet, I go on walks, it's my favorite.
    I'll open Chapman, I don't remember which town I ordered it to, sorry.
    Hi there,
    I can be available whenever you are. I think we're 12 hours apart, so I'll do my best to catch you.
    Tonight, I can add you and leave my town open, since the usual time you're on is 3-4am, my time; and I'm trying to break my night owl habit.:rolleyes:
    Hello, I see you're not online is but I'm gonna leave my gates open for a few hours and be afk, so whenever you're ready feel free to come in! I'm Ben from Schmoyo
    Oh, this was yesterday. I'm online now though~! :D
    Order: Let's Get Lucky bundle (40 TBT)
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