• Hi! I'm online now if you're available. Sorry for being on and off I've been too ill to really play or get online
    That's fine! Take your time! I don't have anything to do with the game atm so my gates are open for whenever you're ready :)
    Okay! So you're ready now? I'll reboot my town(and this is why I don't have the reset center lol)
    Ok. My 3ds only lasts about 10 minutes without somebody in my town(I just don't understand either) so I'll wait until you're ready. I hate when they say they're on their way then my screen blacks out =^="
    Sorry, my current 3ds does this thing whereif I keep my gayes open long enough w/o anybody coming to town, it shuts off (I don't get it either). Could you let me know when you're 100% ready so there's no risk of it happening again?
    Sweet! I’m currently waiting on a delivery from someone else too so if I leave my gates open so you can come in afterwards if you have other deliveries? I can either message you or you can come over now, he just didn’t say how long he’d be:confused:
    Gates open! Please drop them in the empty space right below the train station
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