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  • Yeah I think so too!!! I think I'm going to plan around a single line up with the collectibles and see what works best cx
    Ikr!!! All three are so adorable!!! ; v ; I still can't decide omg. I have to try to think of what line up I can do with them : 'D I'm really leaning on the bunny cause it reminds me of my plushies, but at the same time I don't have many winter collectibles so I'm afraid it will just stay in my inventory jsdfklsjfkld
    Hey, Miharu helped me finally get a loveball! Would you like me to send back your house?
    Well, I wanted to go Katsura from Gintama to match my brothers UN Gintoki but It was taken already. It's a running gag that Katsura from the show corrects people when they call him Zura because that literally means "wig" in Japanese. It was my second choice and I like it a lot :D
    Didn't notice that name change! I love it! Also, Is your avatar Kyoko from danganronpa? Never played the game but I've seen her when my brother played the game :p
    No problem at all <3

    And yay!! It's really fun! Especially the raiding haha! I love raiding with friends. It's a nice coop with lots of items to win and cool Pokemon to catch cx
    Omg you're too sweet! You've already done a ton <3 Thank you! Let me know if you ever need help as well!! <3

    Omg yes!! Let me know when you do! We can do raids together!! It's a ton of fun!!! Cx
    You're too sweet!! Tysm for helping us!!! <3 Also are you playing pokemon sword and shield right now? :3
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