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  • I’m not mean xp
    I’m telling the truth about sad jr. simple as that x3
    Oh really? That’s cute. I hope one day I can see it x3 I heard jolly jrs room isn’t so jolly
    Whyyyyyyyyyy? You’re so cruel I would never let my bunnies get eaten xp
    I’m not mean xp
    I’m telling the truth about sad jr. simple as that x3
    Oh really? That’s cute. I hope one day I can see it x3 I heard jolly jrs room isn’t so jolly
    Whyyyyyyyyyy? You’re so cruel I would never let my bunnies get eaten xp
    I’m not mean xp
    I’m telling the truth about sad jr. simple as that x3
    Oh really? That’s cute. I hope one day I can see it x3 I heard jolly jrs room isn’t so jolly
    Whyyyyyyyyyy? You’re so cruel I would never let my bunnies get eaten xp
    Ofc you do x3
    Why would I? He deserves all the bullying he gets. Besides he’s sad jr and he should always be sad xp
    There’s nothing for him so
    p.s bunnies are the best x3
    Sad jr has the answer for everything sadness xp I hope one day he will smile even for 1 second
    Bunnies don’t need to be sad xp
    Yes and I miss my bunnies as well. I think the names of the ones I had were Cole, Tiffany, ruby and coco.
    I know you miss marshal a lot x3
    x3 yup yup bunnies leaving me always make me really sad to the max xp ahhh haha so I can spam you as well? That’s good to know x3
    Oh wow I didn’t see this until now :eek: yes I was sleeping xp and sure yes you can spam me anytime haha you’re the only exception of people who can spam me xpppp
    Hiii I got here after dropping off a half broken helicopter but hey I got here xD
    Well there’s at least one fool you trust and you trust the one you have in your avi xp
    I guess fools can be crazy haha but one day you’ll trust them xp
    Ahhhh gosh those donuts look delicious :3 tell danbo thank you especially since they’re Dunkin’ Donuts if you take a look at the bottom of the box x3
    Well I have coffee for you but danbo isn’t around this time xp but this is my pic and I made sure there was milk and sugar xp also yeah reading ughh especially textbooks xD
    Ofc you did, I hope it sprinted quick and you gave it some water xp my bus got delayed and delayed and then it lost a tire and then engine broke xp it was a boring ride xD
    Ahhh I hope she doesn’t do a mean trick to me. Surely I haven’t done anything to deserve one right? :3
    And sorry about that, but there was nobody else and I figured hey more for me xD
    I try not to xp that’ll be nice danbo with some donuts x3 but yes any kind will do and yeah maybe one day there’ll be danbo and Dunkin’ Donuts together x3 what’s next he’ll be reading a book?
    But you have to, I heard he’s got some tricks up his sleeve cx and gosh haha he looks crazy xp a crazy fool :3 but here’s another fool I think you’ll trust x3
    Hahaha yup yup xpp
    I won’t. After all chocolate is chocolate and I love it no matter what :3
    The happy fool xp does she make jokes or do funny tricks? haha x3
    Nope none left, I got hungry again after a few hours xp
    Yes go for it, not many chances to sit down and become or peaceful :3 plus, we all love danbo xD
    Awww, that’s nice of him :3 I like Dunkin’ Donuts better but coffee is coffee and I can’t waste it x3
    So I found this fool on the internet and decided to share. xp do you trust him? haha :3
    yup yup a long one xp
    You’re very welcome :3 the chocolate wasn’t cheap though hahaha xD

    She may be a fool, but at least she’s happy x3
    Ahh thank you for the cookies, although I’m a bit full xp
    No worries haha
    Danbo here is watching the moon and the stars :3 a time of peace.
    Ahhh, thank you so much x3
    Oh gosh, ice cream from Danbo? How could anyone deny that? And Haagen dazs? Very yummy :3 next one has to be Ben and jerry xp
    ofc hahaha xppp bc it was a very long trip xD I guess next one is “very awesome”
    Nice to see you change your avi :3 and you’re welcome ^^
    How about some chocolate from danbo to you haha x3
    Ahhh hello there :3 the journey was hard, but you made it here cx impressive haha
    But thank you so much <3 today was a very good day and you’re welcome for the ice cream and you’re also very welcome for the gift. I’m sure you love it x3 and gosh haha yup yup it’s been so long xp I think it’s [ img ] [/im g ] all closed together and the image in the middle? But anyways thank you so much again cx here’s a pic example haha xp I’m sure you remember this guy :3 not my pic ofc xp
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