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  • Yay, sounds fun! I'll let you know when I'm free. I would love to visit now, but my dad will be home soon and we're planning to go out to eat.

    Carousel is a fun name, and perfect in its simplicity. <3 Does your town have a food/candy theme?
    lmao I have honestly never played any of the tours before.. I'd be a horrible teammate. D8 Usually I love to hang around people's towns and see what they did with the landscaping. They're always so inspirational.

    Congrats on the 100% catalog!! -confetti- That's amazing :eek:
    Ahh thank you so much! I've been smiling this whole time omg

    By visit, do you mean I can see your town? :D

    I know that feel.. Roscoe is my all-time favorite and if he left, my town wouldn't be worth playing anymore. I'd either do the same thing you did or just reset my entire game. Francine has always been my favorite out of the polka-dot bunny sisters. I always thought the pink one (I forgot her name) had eyes that were kinda creepy looking.
    That's still so kind of you. People like you are the reason why The Bell Tree is such a warm and friendly place. <3

    Marshal is so cute! I love his pouty expression and how grumpy he seems to be all the time. Characters like that always have a place in my heart lol!
    It must be difficult to manage all 4 of them. You are seriously awesome for taking the time to give people their dreamies.. and for free too! That's beyond kindness. You're so sweet you put candy to shame. ;u;

    How are your exams? Hopefully they're not too stressful for you.
    -hugs- You're a cycler! omg I always appreciate cyclers and what they do for the AC community. You have made a lot of players very, very happy. <3 If you ever come across Sally or Marshal could you let me know? I don't have a lot of TBT or IGB but I'll try my best to pay.

    I play everyday. c: Mostly landscaping and the daily chores
    Your name is so pretty, Ana. <3

    Yus, we'll talk again soon! Thanks again for the clover!
    !! Thank you so much!! You're so kind. ;3; I'm like blushing because of how happy I am. Gahh

    -hugs again- Oh yeah! I just remembered something silly I completely overlooked. Have we ever introduced ourselves? dhbfhd My name is Ashley. It's been wonderful getting to know you all this time!
    -hugs- <3 Aw, thank you so much! I'm really happy to see you too!

    Has anything interesting happened on TBT lately or is it the same old, same old? OuO
    That's awesome! This is Spring Break for you, right? You deserve to relax and goof off after all that hard work

    I missed you, by the way. We haven't talked too much here, but we played a lot of basement games and I've always considered you a good friend. ^^
    Thank you!

    I'm good. Life has been hectic, but I think I finally got everything under control for now. How are you? :)
    Forgot to ask, how much did you want for Mint? :)
    Zucker, now Mint, you're really helping me ^_^
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